ahocevar geospatial

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Hocevar, Grüne Gasse 21d/25, 8020 Graz, Austria

Geospatial Solutions

Products & Services

Consulting and development

With more than two decades of experience in geospatial web application development, we offer a broad range of consulting and development services.

Contact us for details.

Professional OpenLayers support

OpenLayers is a full-featured library for maps and geospatial data in web applications. Andreas Hocevar is community leader and currently the most active contributor to the OpenLayers project. With that knowledge and experience, we offer professional support packages for those who need help with their OpenLayers applications.

If the above packages do not suit your needs, contact us for an individual offer.

Contributions to OpenLayers, Proj4js and other projects

We actively contribute to several geospatial Open Source projects, including OpenLayers and Proj4js. If you benefit from these projects, please consider becoming a sponsor on GitHub.


Contact Information
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w3geo GmbH Planet Labs PBC OSS Open Source Solutions GmbH